Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Food + Love = HappineSS

From the olden days, people have always said that " The Way to a Man's Heart is through His Stomach"
But I think that doesn't only applies to Men! Well,, at least to me, food makes me happy!

Dearest asked me out for dinner tonight, we both shared a big pot of sukiyaki (^0^)// ~~
went home and felt blissfully happy..

Food makes me happy and I can feel the LOVE too (*.*)//

As a feminist, I would like to state that the old saying for men now applies to the women of the 21st century =)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day OnE

As I mumbled to myself and complain to friends that I want to do something productive, or something more in my spare time.. They tell me that I should create a B.L.O.G.
I wonder if their encouragement is a hint that I should stop calling them up and drag them down with me when I'm in misery. LOL.
So this is it!

The First Post of Ink-A-HoliC